by Forum Mne | Feb 10, 2022
UNDERSTANDING PATHWAYS TO YOUTH ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IN MONTENEGRO The project has sought to contribute to reducing alcohol consumption among young people in Montenegro.The main activity was implementation of qualitative research on youth attitudes towards alcohol. The...
by Forum Mne | Dec 15, 2021
BOOSTING HEARTS AND MINDS OF YOUTH WITH SERVICE LEARNING – HEARMI Project title: Boosting HEARts and MInds of youth with Service Learning – HEARMI Project implementer: Organizata Kosovare per Talent dhe Arsim – TOKA The overall goal of the project is to develop...
by Forum Mne | Feb 4, 2021
START! The overall goal of the project is to encourage an entrepreneurial mindset among young people with an emphasis on business, social engagement and social services.Project activities include a cycle of two three-day trainings, two-day Interactive Laboratory for...
by Forum Mne | Nov 25, 2020
SUPPORTING A DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT The general objective of the project is to increase the cooperation and networking within and between schools belonging to the fourth mixed group for identifying needs and common ground for future actions at schools/...
by Forum Mne | Oct 8, 2020
YOUTH SILENCE FICTION The purpose of the project is to promote the concept of silent movies, as a universal communication tool, and to enable young people from Montenegro, for the first time, to be part of the International Youth Silent Film Festival...
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