Sustainable Development and Social Entrepreneurship

Sustainable development as an idea of development which meets current needs and also takes into account needs of future generations is one of the key principles being managed by the organisation Forum MNE. Forum MNE promotes the contribution to the concept of sustainable development and social responsibility through numerous actions which advocate the participation of citizens on a voluntary basis and the contribution to the society through different segments of social engagement. Forum MNE works on development of awareness of individuals and group of consequences of decisions and behaviour in social and natural environment.

The organisation has its own regulatory mechanisms which are in compliance with the national and international regulations regarding issues of labour rights, human rights, health and security, and also environmental protection, fight against deviant social phenomena as well as voluntary initiatives for supporting projects of local and wider social community. The organisation believes that quality social policies and also policies related to other social segments may be gained only if the entire community is involved in their creation. All citizens need to be acquainted with the right to give contribution to building of socially responsible and economically sustainable state, according to their possibilities.

Forum MNE is one of the organisations members of the network of Socially Responsible Enterprises in Montenegro (DOP) within which it has participated actively since 2013 in carrying out strategy of sustainable development through activities of the network. One of the continuous activities is collection and recycling of office paper and newsprint. The organisation actively participates in the implementation of Millennium Development Goals, putting in the forefront the participation of young people and creation of conditions for expressing their full potentials and implementation of number of measures and activities directed to decrease youth unemployment.

The Project Youth for Green Montenegro is implemented with a financial support of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and in the partnership with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and the Centre for Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education.

The Project started in September 2012 and it will last until 2017, so that the initiative and the concept of civil responsibility gain a long-term character.

General objectives of the project are: contribution to the participatory and inclusive approach in design and implementation of strategy for sustainable development, as well as the support to the education reform in the part of including concepts and practices of sustainable development in curricula.

Planned phases of the project consist of:

  • Gathering and training of volunteers on topics: ecology, social responsibility and sustainable development;
  • Education of high school students on topics: ecology, social responsibility and sustainable development kroz radionice u školama, kao i kroz ljetnje škole (Podgorica, Cetinje, Nikšić, Šavnik, Budva, Rožaje, Ulcinj, Bijelo Polje, Plav, Tivat, Berane, Žabljak i Bar);
  • Promotions of sustainable development concept and collecting donations for seedlings;
  • Big civil actions of planting in 9 city parks (two in Podgorica, then in Cetinje, Kotor, Pljevlja, Nikšić, Bijelo Polje, Ulcinj and Danilovgrad);
  • Community Events.



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  • Ulica Bratstva i jedinstva 4, 81000 Podgorica
  • +382 (0) 20 602 710

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